Russian invasion


President Vladimir Putin has managed to do something that he probably did not intend. He’s managed to obtain from the world as status currently enjoyed by a small handful of countries, the primary one (until now) being North Korea. Russia is now seen as a rouge nation. And, Vladimir Putin has managed to bring back the infamous “cold war.” He’s made clear his willingness to use nuclear weapons. His ominous threat did not go unnoticed as he warned the West not to interfere with his invasion of Ukraine.

The tension between Russia and Europe (collectively, “the West”) will only get worse. Putin has made a serious tactical error. He obviously did not have very good advisors, but was surrounded by men who gave him the facts and likely scenarios that they knew he would want to hear. And, if there was one who dared tell him of dire consequences that were unaffordable, he, in his arrogance, dismissed them. He unwittingly united Europe and actually managed to motivate them to bolster the military presence of NATO and America in Europe.


The British Parliament is demonstrating a unity in its actions against Russia that it has not seen in decades. Opposition parties have joined with the Prime Minister’s opinions and proposed measures almost whole heartedly. Russia now has the same “renegade” and dangerous, indeed, reckless status in the minds of the democratic world leaders, particularly the Western minds, that it has for  North Korea. “I think the scales have fallen….” is an admission made from the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson,  that is probably going to be echoed by other governments in days to come. They now realize that they were not firm enough nor aggressive enough with Putin. They have not learned the lessons of history. They forgot the Chamberlain lesson. They forgot the cost they paid when they allowed Hitler to continue his invasions and take-overs and did not act to intervene. They were passive in the face of naked aggression.


As the resistance by the people in Ukraine mounts, so will the body count. Eventually, there will be abody count “blood bath,” which will heighten the disgust and disdain Europe currently holds for Putin.  The Russian President has put himself into a trick bag. If he pulls back and stops, the suspicion and the sanctions are not going to be withdrawn with any speed. He’s planted distrust into the minds of Europe. His reputation is gone. And, like the “good kid gone bad,” Putin will soon reason that he really has no way out other than bullying his way forward. He will figure he has nothing to lose. They’ve hurt him with sanctions, but he will vow to get back at “them” (the West). What that ultimately means has yet to be seen. It could be very, very sinister.


Putin will continue to claim along the way that he’s doing what is right. More and more, he will shape his reasons into nationalist reasons coupled with “Russia must have safety from the West.” He will assert Europe and America (the West) is untrustworthy. He will argue that leaving Ukraine “as is” would have been to leave his country vulnerable in the event of a war (disregarding the fact that a war with Europe was likely to emanate from the West, but would more probably come from a Russian aggression against a neighbor or another country it has its eye on–can we say “Israel?”) He will point to the sanctions as reasons for his actions. When Russia being to suffer financially, he will sell to the public the “evil” of Europe and America who have made them suffer (ignoring that he was to blame by his actions of aggression against Ukraine).


devil in the backgroundThings are going to get much, much worse for Russia. Putin will, if he hasn’t already realized it, eventually realize he made a very serious strategic error. (He will not realize the genesis of his idea to invade Ukraine.) Russia will, in time, become a version of North Korea, but a far more dangerous version, with capabilities far beyond the little dictator’s means. Russia, with nothing to lose, will continue its “bully” role. It will now align itself with those nations which condone violence and condone the destruction of one nation. In short, we will see a much closer relationship between Russia and the Islamic world powers.

Their goals may not always be the same, but their interests will such that each will serve the other in aiding in the furthering of those interests.


One huge interest that Russia will develop as it loses much of its oil and gas revenues and is hurt by the sanctions, is the the wealth of assets found in Israel. Russia will reason that with Israel either crippled or eliminated, it will remove at the least, a competitor. And, if Russia can make Israel a subject-nation, it can plunder its enormous wealth. But, perhaps even more, by eliminating Israel, it will now have leverage over Europe. At some point, he will reason, they will have to buy from Russia. Already, Russia has put Israel on notice about the Golan Heights and about Israeli air strikes in its new friend’s territory: Syria.

But, this alignment was predicted long ago. In time, we will see that Russian alignment widen from Syria to several other Islamic terrorist states.

Read Ezekiel 38 & 39.

And watch this.

copyright 2022 Voyle A Glover