underground bunker scene


At some point, we’re going to start seeing attacks from within. It is extremely likely that our infrastructure will be hit by illegal military agents of our enemies who came unchallenged across our border. This is something our FBI Director Wray has warned us about. Wray has warned about China’s cyber program which is “larger than any other government’s program” as well as seeing an increase in Russia targeting critical infrastructure globally, like underwater cables and industrial control systems, as well as its cyber programs which are very sophisticated. The serious threats posed from these criminal cyber programs from China and Russia now pose a threat that has gone beyond calculation because of artificial intelligence.

These military agents have arrived with an agenda. There are at least three primary groups (though there are more). There are Chinese monster of pornagents and other Asian agents, Muslim agents, and Russian agents. Until the visits made by Putin, it was a big question mark as to whether or not these three groups would have any coordination with respect to their missions. Now, it would seem likely that there would be some cooperation amongst the groups since they all have similar goals.

It is likely that very soon, strikes against America from within will begin. These strikes are likely to be very diverse. It is also likely they will strike at the following infrastructure:

  • City Waters Supplies (which may include viral or worse contamination as well as sabotage of the systems)
  • Electrical systems
  • Concerts, Games, large gatherings
  • Religious Centers
  • Hospitals
  • Police Stations
  • Random strikes against the populace

The whole purpose is to raise the fear level, to instill terror into the heart of the American public. However, it also feeds a sinister, deep seated hatred that actually wants to hurt the Americans and hurt the American government, to make the people come to distrust the government (something that already exists in most Americans).


The beginning of WWIII for America will likely begin with the horrifying revival of an old nightmare.


It would make sense to neutralize an operational base so close to the enemies of America. The recent visit of Putin with North Korea’s dictator and a subsequent visit with leaders in Vietnam should have caused cold shivers to run down the spine of our President and our military leaders. He and China are structuring alignments and setting the “chess pieces” in place for the opening moves. All that remains is to complete the overall plan so that everyone is on the same page. They all understand that when the first attacks is made, everyone needs to know what the other one is going to do and needs to know in advance so they all have time to go underground.


I hope the following proves to be wrong. But, everything is pointing to this scenario. It seems the leadership of America is walking in a daze, unable to see even the outlines of the plan. This author has no special intelligence or documents or supplier of secrets in the background. If you take all the relevant facts and put them on a large table and begin assembling the puzzle, this is the picture that emerges. I hope I’m wrong. My gut tells me I’m dead on target.

Unfortunately, when clarity finally comes, that “Ah ha!” moment our military and political leaders exclaim as they stare in horror at the television screen , it will be too late. The picture will be complete and those who now see the “big picture,”  will be in total confusion which will be followed quickly by complete horror.

The potential of what may soon descend upon the American public will be a horror show they’ve only seen the likes of on a movie screen. The difference is they, the American public,  will be written into the script. They will have a part. They will be in a scene. Unfortunately, they’ll never get to see the whole show.


At this moment in time, the following very real scenario exists:

A sudden missile attack from North Korea is made on South Korea. Immediately following, a missile is fired from the Pacific ocean and/or the Atlantic; and from the vast emptiness of an unknown region of Canada, missiles are fired which explode into the air above America.

The world of America goes dark.

Except for certain military and other commercial hardened electrical systems, the entire continent of America is literally off-line. Hospitals operating rooms are lit by the glow of backup systems. Homes with backup systems ar providing the only light. Seen from space at 2 A.M. CST, the continent is a tiny scattering of small candle-like flickers of light, and now and then, small pockets of light.

The American President Escapes in the Dark

In the White House, the American President is being literally carried to a waiting helicopter. Agents light the way with flashlights in some places. Panicked Congressmen and women are shouting confusing orders and demands and questions to staff all at once. Staffers are not paying attention. They are no longer concerned about their job security. Many grasp the implications of what is happening. The central question in everyone’s mind is: “How do I get out of this place?”

At the Pentagon, Generals and staff are better organized and there is less chaos, though with the civilian staff, they are filled with the same goal as the staffers at the White House and Congress. “How do I get out of here?” They want to get home.

The military know absolutely what is about to happen. They’ve listened to and conducted lectures on this very scenario. Most of them realize there’s not likely enough time to get home, and even if they could make it home, there would be nothing they could do. They also have duties to perform now that take precedent over any responsibilities they may have as a parent or spouse.. They know absolutely what is about to happen. Their only question is how much time they have to reach safety. They realize that the proverbial nightmare that has been the subject of lectures and conferences and in the forefront of every military mind in the past several months is upon them.

As Darkness Hit America, Confusion Erupts

Across the nation, bedlam has erupted. Law enforcement is overwhelmed to the point of being helpless. Hordes of people are in the streets which have more light from the stars than exists within the homes. Flashlights flicker around, some shining directly at the hapless police as they try and answer question to which they have no answers other than, “Go home. When we learn what’s going on, we will let you know.”


Suddenly, on the West Coast tens of thousands of people see a streaking light across the sky coming from the Pacific. The missile howls its way across the skies of California at hypersonic speed. Then, another streaks across the sky, destination unknown. From the waters around Cuba, missiles rise like mythical dragons, their destinations locked onto their targets like a lion racing towards an unsuspecting gazelle. From
elsewhere in the Gulf, missiles birthed from the water as if by magic, suddenly erupt in a spray of water no one saw.

It’s destination: America.

From the Atlantic, missiles came streaking across the skies. Destination: Washington and New York.  Now, from the far North, hypersonic missiles scream their way across the heavens, hungry for their targets.

American Military Leaders in State of Confusion

soldiersIn bunkers far below the surface, military leaders are attempting to gain a level of comprehension as to the level of the attack and, of course, the source. Is this from Russia? China? The little would-be Hitler in North Korea? Orders are shouted over headsets and into mics all around the Pentagon from rooms buried deep beneath the upper shell of the mammoth installation there. Confusion reigns as no one is sure who is in control. What are the orders? Do we strike? Who do we strike? Who is issuing orders?

Confusion will be the order of the day.

It’s all too late to fix anything that may have been needed to be done. It’s too late to negotiate. It’s too late to prepare. It’s too late to even entertain regrets. It’s a time of death.

When the Missiles Hit America, the Nation is Doomed to Chaos

And, most in the know, those within the deep rooms, know it. They realize that life as they knew it, is over, and for millions, is in fact, literally ended. When the “survivors” emerge from their deep rooms, as eventually they must, they will see a country that is a husk of what it was, and will see a country decimated of its citizens.

Cities will lie in ruins. Survivors will walk around with haunted eyes and faces devoid of emotion. In the early stages, there will be no anger, no shouting, no demands, no marches, and no protests. People will be too stunned and their minds and emotions will be so overwhelmed, they will simply be like sheep seemingly ignorant of the wolf that ravaged a dozen of them within sight.

In certain parts of the rest of the world, depending on the reaction of the President to the attack, there is either a corresponding level of devastation across certain parts of China and Russia and North Korea, or there is no visible evidence of anything worse than a tornado here and there. Life, for those citizens, goes on as usual. In fact, if there was no retaliation, there is likely an excitement there as they prepare a followup on their victorious attack on America and consider their options, including occupation.

In America, no one has any concern about being late for work, or paying taxes, or meeting the mortgage. There is no economy. All surviving Americans are only concerned with staying alive. Food and shelter is their only concern. For many, they have a third concern: avoiding becoming a victim of the criminal elements which are roaming certain parts of the nation in gangs, robbing and killing without restraint, excepting for those survivors who are ex-military or who are armed and willing to engage that element.

The UN – An Occupying Force in America?

The big question that soon arises within the remaining elements of the American government is whether or not America continues as a nation, or is occupied and absorbed by its enemies. Worries at the top levels are whether the initial attacks will be followed up by invasion forces. Fortunately, there are multiple surviving ships and planes that are able to make some credible evaluations about that.

But, an underlying question exists as to the ability of America to defend itself against any well-armed enemy. If not, it would seem that a likely scenario would be whether the UN will take responsibility for defending America. If so, then America would then be defended by that body of nations and there would be, thereafter, a standing UN Army occupying America.

Regardless of any reorganization of states and laws and government, the vulnerability of America would be such that it new leaders would likely seek the UN as its guarantor of security. As part of the bargain, America would relinquish all of its technology and its weapons, including any ships or planes that remain after the hellish exchange of tens of thousands of missiles hurled at it by Russia and China and other smaller nations who struck while America’s attention was focused on the primary enemies. what nation or nations occupies America.


If the American President was able to make the critical decision to carry the war to the enemy, then similar devastation, and in some cases,people after the missile even worse, will litter the landscape of those nations that attacked America and the odds of an invasion by them is minimal. Their economy will disappear, also. Millions of their citizens will also have died. They will be in no condition economically or otherwise to occupy and govern America, even if they “won” the war.

In the wake of such a nuclear exchange, the world economy will have to be reinvented. A likely scenario includes a digital currency. The economies of America and China and Russia will be likely be fragmented and will resemble the days during the Great Depression of the 30’s when drastic measures were taken to stabilize the economy. However, because of the devastation in many parts of the nation, some parts will be uninhabitable and there will be almost no industry of any kind in many states that have been hit hard.

Starvation will continue to rise, as will disease. Many who survived the attacks, will now die from starvation and disease and from the criminal elements that are growing. If the world economy is bad enough, it is unlikely that America would be occupied by the UN army as there is not likely to be such an army. There will be no world economy to support such an army. Until the world economy stabilizes, every nation will be hard pressed to feed itself and rebuild its economy.

Would America, China or Russia Survive a Nuclear War?

Into the power vacuum will step nations who managed to side-step the war. Men like the Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, and leaders from the European continent, will appear on the world stage. America will be, at that point, akin to a third-world power. It may retain some of its earlier governance mechanisms, although there is a good chance that America will break into several nation states.
China is unlikely to survive the debacle so as to continue its existence as a world power. The reign of the little dictator of North Korea will likely come to an end as the missiles from America will totally destroy that country. If he continues to rule, his domain will be from a lavish underground bunker. There will nothing topside. South Korea will survive but will be seriously harmed economically and physically. Russia probably survives, but will be hurt economically and will have some serious issues with respect to obtaining sufficient food.

Israel uses the Samson Option After Syria’s Chemical Missile Attacks

The war between Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah will end with Israel victorious. However, it will come at a serious cost. Israel will become crippled economically as well as with respect to its military. It will be hated because of its retaliation in a Samson-like response to chemical missile attacks which brought agonizing deaths across the land to hundreds of thousands of Israeli’s.

Damascus ceases to exist.

But, the war is over for Israel and the world.

For awhile.

Israel Unable to Defeat the Next Confederation of Enemies

While still recovering from their war with Hamas and Hezbollah, during which they took some serious losses, another enemy arises. It comes from the North. Some believe this to be headed by Russia, but that is not clear. What is clear is that Israel will not have the military strength to defend itself properly. The confederation of nations that come down to occupy Israel will be very strong. Their goal will not to be to destroy Israel but rather to literally occupy the land and take the wealth of oil and gas and other assets gathered by Israel.

The land also has certain strategic value for some of those enemies. And of course, some of these enemies come motivated less by greed and more by hatred. Their loathing for all things Jewish has no boundaries. While this part of the confederation will welcome the booty that comes with Israel’s defeat, the dead bodies in the streets of Jerusalem will bring greater satisfaction and elation to them than stealing Israel’s wealth.

This coalition of enemies to Israel will be too powerful and too numerous and too well-armed for Israel to defeat. Israel is still recovering from the war against Hamas and Hezbollah. America is still crippled and unable to intervene. It has no real army. Its economy is still crippled and its government fragmented.

Questions and protests are made by some in Europe and elsewhere in the world, but no one is willing to oppose the forces that gather against Israel. The world, including Israel, stand watching, waiting, uncertain as to what to do. Everyone knows what’s coming, but no one is willing to intervene. No one who wants to stop it, can actually do anything about it. Every nation still has the memory of America and China and Russia in its memory. They all saw the horror. None of them are willing to risk that.

No Samson Solution for Israel

Israel has no Samson solution. They are literally helpless before their enemies. But, their enemies are defeated. It would not be correct to say Israel wins this war. They don’t. But, they do survive.

For the Jews who witness the battle, those who saw the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark will suddenly wonder if the movie had some basis in fact. Enemy soldiers will suddenly die standing up, while talking to one another. Quite literally, their flesh will melt on their faces “while they stand on their feet.” (See the ancient writings of Zecheriah 14:12).

The end comes after a series of supernatural, catastrophic events hit the enemies of Israel, which range from earthquakes, hail, and even to confusion amongst the soldiers where they turn on each other. It’s a bloody end, unlike the end of any war in all of history. (For those interested in how this story ends, read the ancient writings of Israel found in the ancient book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 & 39.) The story is played out, in part, there. It is interesting that this period of time that some of us, and all of Israel, are about to enter was written about in the Jewish Bible there in Ezekiel and was also predicted by Jesus in the Christian Bible. Jesus spoke of this time this way: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Mat 24:21).

Jesus even said, of this period of time, that unless God “shortened” this period of time, there would be no human life left on the planet. Id.


It may be that America is not hit with missiles. It could be that a catastrophic earthquake hits. Imagine an 11 on the Ritchter scale. Actually, that’s off the scale. That’s unimaginable. A 9.5 is the highest measured quake (Chile). The New Madrid quake was an 8.8 and caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards. Imagine that America is suddenly hit with a quake like that, and then a volcano unlike anything we’ve ever experienced.

Imagine the effects of the eruption of the volcano at Yellowstone. There would be widespread destruction. America would be an instant winterland. All of its crops would fail. Transportation of goods would almost cease overnight. The economy would spiral downwards. Travel would halt. Shipping would be nearly impossible to some locales. Crime would erupt. Gangs, which already inhabit America by the tens of thousands, would see opportunity, but also, they’d be seeking food and shelter. Law and order would break down.

Some Will Escape The Coming Nightmare Descending on America

While America is going through the hellish nightmare earlier described with missiles, or the natural disasters (or both), there will be millions of American who will never see those missiles hit and may only see the beginnings of the natural disasters play out, but will not likely have to go through the worst of the consequences of those events. If however, the missiles come, a very strange event will definitely occur. This event is called The Rapture.

Those who are true followers of Christ will suddenly vanish from the world.


Jesus said of this time: (37) “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (38) For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, (39) And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (40) Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. (41) Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. (42) Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” (Book of Matthew 24:37-42).

Question: “Left for what?”

Answer: Left for the time Jesus described as a “great tribulation.” Jesus described that time in the book of Matthew as follows: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world to this time; no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).

Left is not a direction. It is a state of being–a state of existence.

It is a man or woman who, in an instant of time, finds himself or herself in a world that suddenly, overnight, has become a very dangerous place. These humans who have been left behind are in more danger than they can possibly imagine. They have entered that period of time known as the Tribulation period which comes after the Rapture.

Survival During the Last Part of the Tribulation Period Will be Difficult

The first 3-4 years may during this tribulation period, depending on location, be reasonably safe. Their ability to survive is fairly good. But, as time goes on those odds fall drastically. There comes a time in the 7 years of this time of tribulation that the odds of surviving are minimal–next to none.

There is no place to hide. Money will not buy their way out of this time of trouble. Power and position will not deliver them. What’s coming people standing around in shockwill bring death to humans in a wide array of threats, ranging from explosives, to bullets, to wild beasts, to diseases for which there is no cure, to wars across the globe, and even from violent gangs who will kill just to feed on the corpses of humans because of the scarcity of food.

Query: Will you be one of those left? Are you in that group of humans described by Jesus as a man or woman who was left to face the horrors of the worst period of time ever to be in the history of the world–worse than the time Hitler’s rage drove his armies across the world murdering and raping and pillaging? Will you be left to face the murderous reign of a man called the anti-Christ who orders every human to receive a mark in the forehead or hand and who, when done, is doomed to exist in an eternity mingled with demonic monsters?

Or, will you be one of those “taken” out of harm’s way, out of the way of the great tribulation? Will you be one of those called by Christ’s name–Christian–and who, as a result, never faces the horrors of that 7 year period of time called the Great Tribulation?

It really is a choice. But, it’s a choice only you can make. No one can make it for you. Here is a small paper that will guide you through the steps you need to take in order to assure yourself that you will be taken out of the horror story and not left to face the missiles and hellish nightmare that awaits those who have chose to not believe in this Christ thing, this story they’ve deemed a myth.

It’s your choice.

Can you afford to be wrong?

* Click on the link and view &  download the short paper on how to Escape from The Tribulation

The End
Copyright 2024 Voyle A Glover

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By Voyle Glover

A lawyer whose real love is writing.

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