It’s been awhile since I’ve engaged in the transference of my thoughts about anything into words. Life is full of distractions and I’ve had my fair share of late. Nothing of note, mostly mundane, but all distracting to the point of keeping my fingers from a keyboard. But, lately I’ve had a growing concern about the world around me. What I’m seeing (and have been seeing) is disturbing. While a lot of things we see going on around us, we can ignore, mainly because there isn’t much we can do about it, some things are so significant they can’t be ignored, even if we can’t change what’s happening. We have to start paying attention—close attention—to some things. Again, even if we can’t do anything about them, we need to pay heed to what we’re seeing and what we’re hearing. Why, you ask? The simple answer is this: Because we need to be prepared in several areas for what’s coming in the wake of current events. Frankly, there are some things that really cannot accommodate any amount of preparation. Here are 3 things that are happening in our world today that are going to change all our lives dramatically. When I say “our,” I speak collectively, as in humanity.TrendingRed Herrings May Distract Jurors but not the Judge: Don’t Give Up Your Case # 1. The Coming Economic Collapse As a lawyer, I learned early on in my career the truth of the proverb, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” If I had a case and the other side kept bringing my attention to evidence that ran contrary to my client’s statements and position, I would be a fool to ignore those pieces of evidence, even if alone, none of them was sufficient to make their case (and thus, ruin mine). Most cases are won on circumstantial evidence. That means, a plaintiff or defendant, will often fail to be able to present a single piece of evidence that makes their case. But, if they are able to present several pieces of evidence all pointing to the same conclusion, then a jury or judge will be able to make a decision based on what is called a “preponderance of the evidence” that a certain fact conclusive to the case, is true. There is a mounting body of evidence that experts and people far smarter than this writer who are saying (based on facts and data they have collected and analyzed) that it is an almost certainty that the dollar will either totally collapse or that we will see it drop to 50% or less of its value. That would be catastrophic to the economy. Small businesses would fail by the thousands. Large businesses would go under. Banks would go under. The domino effect would be incalculable. Billions of US Dollars Vanish Into the Ukrainian Black Hole These experts cite the incessant printing of money and the trillions being sent into the black unaccountable holes to support a proxy war (something we denigrate Iran for doing). We have no idea where or to whom the money is given. Ask a Congressperson to whom the money was given. They don’t know. Ask where it went. What was it used for? In what bank account does it rest? Who took out the first million dollar draft? What was that used to purchase? Whose pockets are being lined with our tax dollars? They don’t know. (When fools elect fools, everyone gets fooled.) It would be a far greater disaster than the Great Depression that hit us during the stock market failure in the thirties. Back then, we had no riots and mobs combing the streets looking for food and shelter. Today, we already have jobless men and women in the millions. Today, we have illegal immigrants occupying our nation that number in the millions, most of whom are living off our tax dollars or off the earnings and in the homes of family who are here and have a job. The Gangs of America are a Serious Threat to Our Existence Today, we have very large numbers of hard-core, third-world gangs in our cities who, when they are unable to buy food, will have no moral reservations about taking what they want. In recent years, estimates of costs to our nation related to gangs is nearly 2 trillion dollars. Homicides are over 25,000 and gangs account for nearly 25% of the crime in our nation. No city has a police force capable of stopping them. They have better weapons than the police. And, if the cities haven’t the funds to pay the police, there may be no law enforcement available to stop them. And, that’s just stopping the “bad guys.” In a serious economic crisis today, we will see human nature show itself. People will murder for food. People will turn to cannibalism. There’s enough evidence in human history to verify what people will do in times of starvation. You think not? Read the story about the Donner party. Some older readers will recall the story of the 16 survivors of a 1972 plane crash in the Andes mountains who resorted to cannibalism to survive. Some of the members of Sir John Franklin’s failed 1845 expedition to the Arctic engaged in that act in their efforts to survive. If you think those things could never happen here, you don’t really know the depths of human nature. It is difficult to prepare for such a catastrophe. Many are working at it. We’ve all heard the drums of the survivalists beat for decades. We’ve all seen the ads for survival foods. So, hundreds of thousands are preparing and stockpiling (some call it “hoarding”). The question remains: For whom are they stockpiling? It’s hard to answer that question if law and order breaks down. #2. The Looming World War III All of us have paid close attention to the news of late. We saw the absolute horror story of the sadistic, Hitler-like hatred of Hamas vomit its evil upon innocent, unarmed women and children in Israel on November 7, 2023. And, we are watching the aftermath of those acts as Israel extracts a vengeance and punishment upon Hamas, with the inevitable collateral disaster falling upon the Palestinian people, with no distinctions between those who voted Hamas into power and those who secretly detest Hamas, but are compelled by fear to remain silent. But, adding to that pressure on the world’s military triggers is the Russia-Ukraine war which, like a magnet, is pulling the West into its trenches. Now, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, noted in a speech recently that the British and France have rendered certain aid to Ukrainian forces and giving support to the notion that England has boots on the ground there as “trainers,” though there was an implication that there were other services they were rendering in person there. The Chancellor was allegedly making public Germany’s decision to not send its long-range missile to the Ukraine. Clearly, Scholz was sending a message to Putin, who has shown that there is a Russian finger on the nuclear button and that it’s willing to press it. Who Will Press The Nuclear Button First? We are as close to WWIII as we were during the Cuban Crisis (which this author was unfortunately selected by the US Navy to be a participant). That was a scary time. The risk was high and Russia had an evil man who was also an idiot ruling who was literally talked out of pushing the button. When evil fools are put in positions of power and have the power to push that Doom Button, we should all tremble. One wise man said of such people: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Proverbs 29:2). #3. Coming Natural Disasters This one is more difficult to discuss. I’m no prophet. But, I am a bit of a researcher. I’ve looked at some of the data about our world’s disasters of nature. It would appear to me that Mother Nature is angry. Earthquakes are definitely on the increase. A year ago, I did some casual research on this and, among other things, found that the number of earthquakes have increased, something I already assumed, but did not realize the staggering number of magnitude 8’s have occurred and the percentile of that increase. I am assuming (since I did not go deep on the research) that most of these were all deep down and underneath the seas. Some say we’re due for a “big one.” Will it be Yellowstone? California? The New Madrid fault (which, “they” say, is overdue)? I have no idea. I do know that it is of rising concern amongst those who are in the know and study these things. I listen to them and as I do, my level of concern rises each time I hear what they have to say on the subject, especially since I am probably on the receiving end of the Madrid quake, should it occur in my time. While I am not one who eagerly swallows the “prophetic” nonsense that gushes from the social media today, made by the myriad of self-proclaimed prophets, I am like the judge who sits on a case and allows some evidence into the case with the remark to the attorneys, “I’m allowing it and will give it the weight it deserves,” which is a judicial way of saying, I’m allowing it in, but I’m not giving it much weight. In other words, s/he will not use it as a deciding piece of evidence. It may lend support for something, but not much. That’s how I view almost all of the prophetic warnings made by the so-called Prophets of You-tube. Most of it is “inadmissible evidence.” It is babbling nonsense. Most of these people are speaking about things that leap to mind and somehow they think it is from God. Or, some are just loony-tunes. Now and then, I think some have had a true vision and dream, but I doubt seriously it was from God. But, now and then I must confess, I do pay attention to one or two. I don’t mean to say I believe them, but I allow that in fact, God may have actually given them in a dream, a warning. God Gives Dreams & Visions Today I believe God can and does give dreams to mankind and gives warnings to some. But, I have to have something triggered in my spirit that gives a strong signal that this may be a genuine message from God. Frankly, most in my denomination (and probably most of you) would discount all such things. And for many years, so did I. Time, experience, wisdom and a small measure of understanding of God, together with a fair measure of understanding of the Bible has lead me to reject my little niche-bubble within Christianity and their perspective on the matter. So, all that to say this: I’ve heard a few of these “prophets” that I think are legit. And, if they are hearing from God, those I’ve given a small measure of credibility, then we’re in for some rough waters. I can’t say, as do many, that America and/or the world is being punished by God or these disasters will be sent by God for its wickedness. I just don’t happen to subscribe to the idea of “God with a Big Stick” playing “Whack-a-Mole” with His creation and/or His sheep. I’ll concede that I might be wrong on this. But, I don’t think so. Instead, I believe what we are seeing is a God has not and is not going to cause these disasters to occur, but instead, we’re seeing a God who has removed some of the protection He would have otherwise given us from many disasters that have hit us and will hit us with increasing ferocity. These are disasters that God might otherwise have protected us from, or caused to not happen or caused to have less impact than would otherwise have occurred. God is not wanted in America, in large part. America has, as a nation, rejected God, His moral standards, precepts and commandments. So, God has, in part, accommodated us. He’s not deserted America. But, God cannot continue to shield a nation of people who hate Him and will not continue to bless (as He has) a nation that despises God. I believe we are seeing, proportionately, a decrease in the protections and blessings God has afforded us as we increase our national departure from God. We are our own worst enemy. Suggest you peruse the following Bible Verses “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? (4) And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. (5) For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (6) And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. (7) For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. (8) All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Mat 24:3-8). Copyright 2024 Voyle Glover can"t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: THE END OF DAYS IS MARKED BY--A CONFEDERACY OF HATRED FOR ISRAEL ( Post navigation After the Rapture Comes AI on Steroids: A Time of Tribulation Secret Sin: Looking at Pornography’s Impact on Pastors, Christians, and Churches
meant to tell you and forgot; it is available as a digital book on Amazon
Chris: See the ad on the site; been off the market for awhile due to some minor editing I’ve been meaning to do and finally got around to it. Sorry to be so late on this. I need to spend more time on my site, but keep forgetting.
Book being edited. Sorry for delay but life’s been rather busy. Hopefully going to complete editing soon. Thank you for the kind words.
Hello, I believe your book Fundamental Seduction, is very important. We have a couple of Hyles Anderson people wanting to come into our church. Do you have any copies for sale? Or even just to borrow? Thank you!