As I sit here this Christmas morning, I’m reflective. My thoughts range from wondering about my health, which has been pretty dicey for a couple of years now, to the future years ahead. We all wonder about the future and a favorite past-time of the human species is to not only wonder, but to speculate. I’m going to share some of my speculations about the future. Speculation is the genius of discovery. Scientists have made exciting discoveries while speculating. As a lawyer, I’ve gotten to the truth in some cases by speculation. But, speculation–good speculation–is a bit of an art form. Good, “truth discovering” speculation will always rest on a bed of facts, or in some rare instances, a single fact. And, while it is sometimes the case where a speculator will, to put it in the words of a lawyer, “assume facts not in evidence,” a good speculator will never avoid speculation merely because there are no clear, visible facts. Instead, he or she will play a kind of “what if” game by wondering what results if this fact was present, or if this set of facts were true, etc.TrendingRed Herrings May Distract Jurors but not the Judge: Don’t Give Up Your Case So, the following are my thoughts–speculations–on a few matters that are in my head this Christmas day. It will be interesting to see how they play out. Based on a wide array of facts and the speculations of people smarter than me, I believe the following is about to play out in the next few years. The US Economy We will see the return of many jobs to the United States and the growth of production within the nation. I don’t base that on Trump’s declaration, though that is a large factor. The economy has been terrible for a long time, long enough for the egg-heads, the pinheads, and some of the political spinmiesters to now see that their fairy tales, their hamburger and onion inspired dreams do not work and can never work. Our biggest problem will be in exports and union demands, coupled with the far-left policies imposed on our business community by our labor (NLRB) laws. While the cutting down of the forest of regulations will have a tremendous effect, unless there are serious changes in our governmental agencies that dominate the businesses and impose rulings and policies on those businesses that raise the cost of producing a product, we will have difficulty competing. We are no longer the premier exporter of goods in the world. Add to that, our costs of creating those products are going to be higher than many of our competitors (such as China). Our solution, in part, will be found in quality, in superior products and in unique products. “Knockoffs” will hurt us, as it already does, and it is not going away anytime soon. In short, it is going to be a rocky road. At first, business will soar, but then the roadblocks will start to appear, including political infighting coupled with the political ideologues who have agendas that are hidden. And of course, there will arise those large swathes of people who have become radicalized to the point of stupidity whose sole purpose in life will be to carry out the political objectives of those with the hidden agendas (some of which will have less to do with who is President and more to do with global power). No bed of roses ahead, but at least we’ll see some roses (something we have not seen in at least 8 years) Crime in America Criminal gangs will rise in power as they have been steadily, over the years. We don’t hear much about the fight against the gangs, but there is a deadly war going on between the gangs and the police. These gangs threaten to take over entire communities. In some places in Canada, drug lords rule. In Mexico, we know about those stories. The history of the rise of gangs in America is very scary. Strongholds where gangs have taken over entire towns. In America, the gangs have the same intentions. They want to buy their way into political power. They want to own the police. They have the resources. We will see a rise in the power, in local instances, of those gangs. We are going to see a strong surge of support for law enforcement. It will have good and bad consequences. We will feel safer–most of us–but some will not feel as safe because of the renewed support. They will suffer–some of them–because of their aggressive, often violent and vocal hatred of our nation’s police. Many of them will become targets of law enforcement whose sense of justice runs strong, but who see themselves as being the judge, jury, and in some instances, executioner. As law enforcement grows in strength, the possibility of America, at least in pockets, of becoming a “police state” rises. All that is needed is a catastrophic event, such as a nuclear device ripping through a city, and we are there. That possibility exists now. It will simply become easier. Violent Protests Against President Trump We will see much violence disguised as protests against President Trump. These riots disguised as “protests” will increase. The reality is that this will come from those same individuals and entities whose real agenda is a global one. They will be seeking to cause as much civil unrest in the nation as possible. There will be an explosion of litigation in the country as these globalists seek to undermine our entire system of government. Foreign nations will be in the mix, and will be conducting espionage on a much wider scale. The internet will become a weapon against us. At some point, these men and women with their hidden agendas will be successful in shutting down opposition emanating from the internet. In short, freedom of speech as we’ve known on the internet will become a thing of the past. These Hidden Agenda People have already begun their work towards control of the internet by getting control out of American hands, thanks to a President who was either a willing tool, a simpleton, or a man co-opted by them. The howls from America will be long and loud, but to no avail. All internet protests, at least those negatively impacting the agenda of the globalists, will be squelched. We will see the end of the internet as we’ve known it, unless a force intervenes to circumvent their goals. (There is some technology out there that could accomplish that.) Immigration This is going to be a mixed bag for us. There will be many protests, some in entire cities, but the programs instituted by the President will move forward, as will his plans for a wall. We will see a huge diminishment in the number of crossings, due in part to the wall, but due more to the fear generated within Mexico as tales of the increased aggression and increased manpower within the Border Patrol. They will hear of intolerance and jailings. The risk factor will rise dramatically for those Mexicans seeking to cross the border illegally. The drug lords will enter the fray because their business, which is heavily dependent on being able to move their product across the border, will be impacted. Violence will increase from them, but so will the violence coming back at them from the American law enforcement. Citizens living near the borders will become emboldened and will be more willing to use their weapons. In all, it will be for the good of America. While there will still be illegals coming in, it will not be a flood, and those caught will pay a heavier price than they expected. Terrorists and America Terrorists will shift their port of entry. Instead of Mexico, they will begin looking at Canada and, oddly enough, shipping (taking a page out of the drug lords). They will increase their presence on cruise ships, both as passengers and crew. They will come in via cargo ships as part of the crew. Their preferred delivery of their weapons will be tractor trailers. The vetting put in place by President Trump will protect us from a large number of attacks. Other, very secret defenses will stop a large number of attacks as well. But, there will be some who will get through all our defenses. Domestic terrorists will cause some serious damage to our psyche, nationally. Most of these will be “home grown” terrorists. Their murderous actions will bring national grief to a level we have only seen in the Civil War. It will also bring fear. And unfortunately, it will help bring us into a police state. Violence will compel whichever administration is in power to react in dramatic fashion, as we did on 9-11. We will see freedoms slip away simply because in order to survive, we will be compelled to do profiling and a host of other things that, in the current atmosphere, we are unwilling to do (and legally, unable). Privacy will be an elusive thing, a vaporous word without merit. A Nation Divided We divided once as a nation and as a result, the blood that soaked into the fields and rivers and farmlands forever changed us as a nation. We were a people then who walked in disbelief at the carnage. Men came home to ashes. Women waited for men to return, but they never came back. Children were left homeless and without parents and in many cases, without a single known relative. We also became an armed nation. Just about every man had a gun. The Civil War put weapons in the hands of soldiers and once they became civilians, they often kept their guns. As they spread across the land, especially the West, they also brought violence with them. They were inured to violence. They settled their disputes in the same manner they did in the war. A good enemy was a dead enemy. One need only read the history of Texas, for example, to see the violent nature of its citizens after the Civil War. Crime was tolerated in ways we’d never dream of today. Killings were common. And, it was not uncommon for the killer to get off without even being arrested, and if he was, it was common for a jury to find him not guilty. In the coming years, we will see an America divided in some ways as much as it was in the Civil War, but without the mass killings. Instead, it will be, in the beginning, rhetorical murders. It will be assassinations of character and the demonizing of individuals and groups. But, perhaps no one will suffer more attacks than President Trump. He will likely become the most vilified President in our nation’s history as well as the most sued President. Lawsuits will abound against him and many of his various agencies. But, the rhetoric will galvanize a number of easily-radicalized people who have bought into the lies of the Hidden Agenda People. These folks who have sucked at the teats of the same mothering hog will take their rage to the streets. There will come some bloody riots once again to our streets. One, perhaps more, of the large media empires will slowly come to recognize their failure to measure the pulse of the country as a whole and realize that it is in the “bottom line” interests of the company to be inclusive of the “deplorables.” Their message will alter, slowly at first, but will reach a point where they actually have commentators who are markedly “right” in their thinking and rhetoric. Ironically, as they draw towards the right, Fox will begin the same move to the left with some of their commentators as they seek to broaden their audience. It should prove to be interesting. Well, that is the sum of my speculative thoughts this Christmas day of 2016. I can only hope that much of it turns out to be misguided speculation. copyright 2016 Voyle A Glover can"t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: US cities reel from another day of violent protests | The World ( Post navigation The Destructive Element in America: Who Are They? Drones, Terrorists and Other Catastrophes in America