Christianity Red Herrings May Distract Jurors but not the Judge: Don’t Give Up Your Case 03/04/2025 Voyle Glover A CLOSING ARGUMENT IN FEDERAL COURT I was up for the closing argument in a federal civil rights trial for age discrimination. Typically, the defense had raised a lot of…
Christianity Demons in the Pulpit: The David Baker Case and IFB’s Spiritual Blindspot 11/02/2024 Voyle Glover David Baker: A Sad Story in the Independent Fundamental Baptist World Recently, a video popped up on Youtube on suggested feeds, apparently brought up because a few days earlier, I…
Christianity Perspectives MORAL FAILURES AMONGST FAMOUS CHRISTIAN PASTORS – STEVE LAWSON – MORRIS: WHY ARE THEY FALLING? 09/29/2024 Voyle Glover GoogleLM Podcast on the Article MORAL FAILURE IN THE CHRISTIAN RANKS We see them falling, like dominoes, one by one: men of renown, men who have preached to and influenced…
Christianity Baptists & Charismatics: Failure & Error – Who has the Truth? 09/22/2024 Voyle Glover Here is a GoogleLM podcast discussion of the issues presented in this article. Part 1: BAPTIST FAILURE I’m a Baptist. However, for about a year early in my Christian experience,…
Christianity Perspectives WILL AI BE YOUR SPIRITUAL ADVISOR? Your Hidden GURU 06/12/2024 Voyle Glover IS AI BETTER AT SPIRITUAL ADVISING THAN HUMANS? Fascinating stuff, this AI thing. While I get it that this is the first batch of Kool-uh, well…(don’t wanna get a lawyer…
Christianity Perspectives Secret Sin: Looking at Pornography’s Impact on Pastors, Christians, and Churches 03/25/2024 Voyle Glover (Alert: This is not for the McDonald’s Drive-Thru Crowd who want a 300 word article that they can cram into their minds and run to the next headline or video.…
Christianity End Times Perspectives After the Rapture Comes AI on Steroids: A Time of Tribulation 07/23/2023 Voyle Glover The Departure of Christians from Earth There is coming a moment of time upon the earth that is unique in all of mankind’s history. It will be a time of…